Monday, December 3, 2007

Revert to High School

This is obviously going to be much more shallow than my mini epiphany from the last post, but it is such a fun idea that I had to share. I do wonder though, why is that the commitment to post every day is over, I actually have things I want to post daily? Just my luck I guess.
Anyway, it's a tag meets pay it forward meets AA type game, except for apologizing to people, you thank them - even the ones who haven't been very nice. Not ideal for clients or business contacts to say the least, but a blast for friends and it really does make you look at a negative situation with a positive spin. It also may require an awkward call/text/message of some kind, but that's okay. The rules are only that you get the thank you in there, somehow, some way. You can explain the game or not, but I chose to with just about everyone. It ended up pretty funny with some.
To friends husband: Thank you for making Friend happy, and for infinite patience with drunk females. To another friend: Thank you for always being my designated dialer when we are out together - Friends don't let friends drink and dial. And yes, I even threw in the rude people, which was a bit awkward, but it gave me a good laugh.
You'll get some great responses, trust me, and more than likely will take more than a few walks down memory lane. You'll even have a few sweet thoughtful responses, and maybe deepen a friendship or two while you're having fun with this. So even though it sounds silly, it really is worth it to take a few minutes out of your day and play along.

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