Monday, December 3, 2007

More Late Ramblings

Wow. I have that can't sleep feeling. This is probably one of those post you will read, nod your head, and say to yourself "Yup, she's a nut." Remember how I couldn't get those boys that wrecked out of mind, even though I didn't know them at all? Okay, that's just me and how I am, and sometimes I meet someone and I'm drawn to them not just for normal reasons. Every once in a while I meet someone and get pretty deep impressions from them quickly. I see the hurt and I want to help and I hate to see them hurting. I've got pretty good intuition anyway, my problem is usually listening to it. Anyway, I've always liked my Granny's explanation. She said people are put into your lives, be they friends, lovers, whatever, for a reason. So in turn, we are put into other peoples lives for a reason. That pull towards someone is letting us know that particular connection has meaning, and that you crossed paths for a reason, and that one of you is there to give/receive something the other has to offer or needs.
I hope that explains this. I talked to a friend today I've thought about alot. Through the few conversations we've had I have gotten alot of deeper impressions, and picked up on things maybe most wouldn't. Or maybe I'm just completely nuts and way off base. We will hope for the former. Anyway, there is alot of pain there. Alot of hurt, and it's balled up and hidden under a mask of confidence. I hate to use the word impressions again I just can't think of another that comes close to describing this... but I just seem to "get" alot and see alot deeper. It's like I can see a light there that is special, but being hidden. I can't shake the worry, the wanting to help. I really truly hate to see people hurting, and I just want to make it all better. I've had that feeling since we first met, and some of my immediate impressions were correct according to my friend, as were some things I just assumed that were confirmed later. So I know there's something to this. I have tried just shaking it off since it's in no way my place, and in no way are we close enough for it to concern me. Yet it does. It's bugged me that it does, and I don't understand it. The more I ignore it the more it eats at me. So I'm gonna go with it rather than let it drive me crazy or wonder why on earth it matters to me when clearly it does. I may lose a friend over it, and I hope not. But if Granny is right and those tuggings in your mind are guidance, then trying to reach out must be what I'm supposed to do. I hate to lose a new friend over it, but maybe something will come of it and make it all worth it and maybe in some weird way I can help. Yes, I fully realize I am beyond tired and rambling and must sound as if I'm talking in code. It's just the conversation we had earlier just jump started that feeling that I need to come in there somehow. It will keep eating at me till I get it done. I just had this urge not long after we met to just I don't know, fix it, ease the pain, something. Its so hard to explain. It's a sit down or long conversation type thing, and I don't know when or if it will take place, but the ball isn't in my court now. I've reached out and that's all I can do.

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